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Get expert advice on Pension Drawdown, Annuity, Retirement Planning, Transfers, Consolidation & more. Claim your free pension review today.

  • Regulated advice firm

    We are fully regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

  • Free, no obligation review

    All of our pensions advisors are qualified, experienced and provide a free, no-obligation consultation guarantee. This means that your consultation is free of charge and there is absolutely no obligation to act on any advice or recommendation provided.

  • We do all the hard work

    We fully understand that most people lead very busy lives and may not know where to look when searching for a pension advisor. Based on your advice requirements, we ensure that you are put in touch with our most suitable pension advisor.

Explore your pension options with the help of an expert advisor that specialises in your enquiry type.

Receive FCA regulated pension advice on any of the following pension services:

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Trusted independent pension experts, that are regulated by the FCA and ready to advise.

Based on your requirements, we will match you with our most suitable pension experts. We cover the whole of the UK as we are telephone based but can also provide you with video or online conferencing advice if you prefer. National Pension Advisors is not linked to any government backed service or department and is an independent website connecting you to financial advisers.

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Pension advice in 3 simple steps

  • Let us know the type of pension advice you are looking for by completing our form.

  • We’ll call you to discuss your advice needs and to start your free pension consultation.

  • A no obligation solution is offered, ready for you to proceed in your own time!

Free Expert Pension Review

Our pension professionals will provide guidance on your pension performance, retirement planning, drawdown/annuity options and much more. They will also carry out a free pension assessment to review the options available for helping you achieve your objectives.

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Is speaking with a pension advisor the right choice for you?

Below are the questions we are most frequently asked by our clients:

If you’re facing a big decision on which a lot of money depends, advice can be invaluable. Things like setting up a pension, buying a home or planning for retirement may be rare or even one-off events, so you will probably have very little experience on which to base these crucial choices. And though you may seek guidance from friends and family, or online, neither of those can give you as much confidence as unbiased advice from an experienced professional.
The whole point of advice is to make your money work for you and help you achieve your goals in life. So a good adviser will look at your circumstances as a whole, from your current situation to your medium and long-term future. For example, if you want advice on how to access your pension, your adviser will first take time to discuss your plans for retirement, and so assess your changing income needs over time. Only then will they start to recommend strategies and products. Last but not least, an independent financial adviser can find the most suitable products for you from all that are available. They will also ensure that the chosen product is the best possible fit for your particular circumstances.
First of all, a financial adviser can help you save money in many different ways. For instance, they can recommend pension schemes, investments and protection products with lower administrative fees, saving you significant costs over the long term. They can also help you save more effectively, so that your money isn’t eroded so much by tax and inflation. Most importantly, they can help you avoid costly mistakes, such as buying an inappropriate financial product, losing money through an error of judgement, or falling victim to fraud.
You are matched based on your financial advice needs. All our advisers have a wealth of knowledge in the specific areas you are enquiring about. This gives you peace of mind knowing that you are receiving expert advice and not generic answers that you may be able to find on Google.

© 2023 is a trading style of Hilltop Finance Limited. Hilltop Finance Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under FCA number 787803. Registered in England and Wales, company number 09351168. Registered Address: Hilltop Finance, 3 Fabrica, 269 Great Ancoats Street, Manchester, M4 7DB. Registered with the Information Commissioners Office under registration number ZA159519. National Pension Advisors is not linked to any government backed service or department and is an independent website connecting you to financial advisers. Our matching service is based on the criteria which you input on our form and the postcode you enter. Our aim is always to provide the best match, however our matching service is limited to the advisors and financial advisors within Hilltop Finance Limited.

Capital at risk, the value of investments can go down as well as up, so you could get back less than you invest.

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